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Chronology of the case at WTO

1996 : France announces its intention to ban all types of asbestos.

1997 : France implements its ban. Political and technical discussions. France maintains its position.

1998 : Canada challenges the French decree before the WTO, where France is represented by the European Communities.

1999 : In May and June, the WTO receives written and oral depositions from all parties. Brazil, Zimbabwe and the U.S. EPA request and obtain "Third Party" status. The WTO also receives letters from "Amici Curiae".

In July, the WTO decides to consult a group of international experts (from outside the two parties involved in the dispute). November, the WTO receives the experts opinions on specific questions.

2000 : A preliminary report to the parties is expected in June, and the final report to the WTO Member States in August.


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